My Relationship with God


I never thought I would be blogging about this, but Its really become a big part of who I am, actually the best part of who I am. I really thought he was finished with me, and me finished with him, but that is not so. God, is the best part of me. Here is how is working in my life.

  1. God has a plan for my life – I never really had any plan for my life. I know God does, because he doesn’t allow me to do certain things, and has kept a common theme of spirituality in my life. I have tried over 20 times to write a book on the subconscious mind and energy…he wont let me do it, but if I can somehow make it about him, he will allow me to do it. His plan for my life is, “working” in my life.
  2. God is greater than me– God is so much greater than me. He can do things I cannot do. I am tough girl, I think I know it all and can do it all alone. No, I was wrong, when I work with and through God, I am capable of doing things my mind cannot even imagine.
  3. I have a Higher Standard of Being – This is my favorite. God has given me a higher standard for loving my self and living. I dress better, want to look better, act better, talk better, am more open, more friendly, try to speak, clean and clear and positive.
  4. I am More Creative/Fulfill a Mission – God has me doing his work. My life is not about me anymore. If it was I would be sucking back a beer at 7:00am and then sitting around all day watching YouTube. God gives me work. I love that!
  5. God Gives me energy – Do you know how many times I think I have no energy to do things, and there I am thinking about Gods love for me and all of a sudden I have tons of energy? God is energy, so he must be able to give it too right?
  6. God Makes me happy – I am a happier person to be around. I like to see people get along. I try to leave my ego out of my interactions. I try to make people see the positive in themselves. I smile more. I like people now. I really didn’t like too many people before.


I know many people are not all that into God. But let me tell you I am no Religion freak. But the power of God, is like having a really big caring friend, that can pull allot of strings for you, and do things on your behalf that you cant do.
Its really amazing. I am not a Christian, but I do practice and believe in the power of God.

Life is magical and wonderful. Find what works for you. If you don’t have anything yet, try God. Just call him by his name and tell him what you want.

share love.

How to write a blog post: Tips from a newbie


Ok. So, I hope this doesn’t bore you too bad. You have probably read a million and one “how to write a blog post” posts. Well, I will put my two sense in because I could not decide what to write this morning. It was either this or bible scripture. So, here it is…a newbies perspective on how to create a blog post. Enjoy.

  1. Informative and simplistic title – Ok so I try to title my blog posts, in a way that makes sense and lets readers know exactly what they will encounter. This way readers know what to look forward too. Oh, and keep it simple
  2. Insert Large Related Photos  – I love searching  “Google images” for great photos towoman-typing-on-laptop-3 match my blog posts. Insert at least 3 and let them be big. People enjoy looking at photos as they read.
  3. Blog positive – People like reading positive things. Positive reading makes us feel spiritual.jpglifted up when we have finished the article. Create positive uplifting blog posts, and people will be inspired by, and remember, your blog.
  4. List It! – People like to read blog posts that have a list because it makes them feel like they are getting the most important information fast. We live in a fast world my friends.
  5. Share Personal Experiences – People like to read about personal experiences because we are human and always desire to take a peak into someone elses life experience. Blogging is an opportunity to connect with others through our personal experiences.
  6. Share how you Overcome something – People enjoy reading about how you (thespiritual2 blogger) overcame something, created something, or learned something. It makes us feel like we to can overcome the same thing, or something similar too. It gives readers hope. Like the blog post I wrote called Preistess Power: “How I became Empowered.”
  7. Be original – Be yourself. There is nobody like you. I like talking about the relationship I have with my ancestors in my blog posts. I think people like to read about it in my blog posts because, it gives another perspective…one that is also spiritual and original.happy
  8. End on a positive note – Blog posts that end on a positive note leave readers feeling positive inside when they have finished reading. We bloggers want this because we want readers to like our blog posts and subscribe to out blog, and even share our posts with friends…right? I like to say. Stay Magical, or share love, or love and light.

Thats a newbies perspective….hope I did alright. Love light and magic.



Forgiveness Journal-ing


Hi guys. Its not morning. Its 6:00pm on Sunday. I have some great news for you. My Ancestors gave me something just for you.

  • Last night I posed a question to them: “Tell me somethings I can do to make money?”
  • Response: “…Forgiveness Journal-ing.”

Naturally I spun this around in my head at least 8 times in 10 minutes, on how I could use this to make money. I couldn’t figure it out. Then I realized, they were giving me something to help others. So, this one is for you.

Here is the outline I created for forgiveness Journal-ing. They (my ancestors) called it forgiveness journal, I added the “ing.”


I recently experienced an incident where a woman was making negative comments about me and to me about others. For a week I ignored here because of my spiritual beliefs. Then I reached a point where I had had enough. My ancestors know this is out of character for me…so I think they are also just giving me a chance to wrap up the thoughts and feelings about the incident, and learn from that experience. I hope this all makes sense. But, I still know this is for you guys too.

Forgiveness Journal-ing outline:

  1. Write out the incident in detail that you want forgiveness about, that you want to release and move past, or that was a negative experience for you.
  2. Write down all the mistakes you made that contributed to the incident.
  3. Write down all the mistakes of the other person (other people) that contributed to the incident.
  4. Write down why you want forgiveness for the incident.
  5. How would you handle a similar situation in the future now that you have had this experience?
  6. How would you handle the same experience differently with more love?
  7. Now go and do something nice for somebody else.
  8. Come back and write down how doing that nice thing for the other person made you feel.
  9. Now ask the Universe to help you release the feelings over the incident that occurred, and ask the universe to forgive you for your past mistakes.

“Universe please help me to release these feelings about ( incident that occurred)

Universe please forgive me for all of my past mistakes.

Thank you.”

(Steps 7,8 and 9 are optional. I added them just now.)Woman-praising-in-sunshine-ss_159078203-e1425484730774

I hope this “Forgiveness Journal-ing” makes sense. I hope it helps, 5 or 50, or 500, or 5000, or 50,000 or 500,000 people. I really don’t see how its suppose to make me money, but not everything is about money. Sometimes we just have to serve God, and help each other.

Keep living a magical life. Always give and share love.

Check out my blog post Priestess Magic: how I became empowered.